How weak saint fools to ignorant people

Now days, weak saints are more active than the weak doctors. They have more income than the real doctors. They have degrees but only have wonderful gut feelings and they know very well how they can fool people. They just play with the psyche of the people and earn lot of money.

For this purpose they have only need of ignorant people. When they have lot of ignorant, wisdom ones also come to them for their treatment. Given story also relates to this context. In the given video clip, you can analysis how one woman slay to his sister in law’s son just on the sayings of weak saint.

It was very cheerful family but with one deficiency as the big brother of the family had no children. One day he comes in home shouting. He tells his brother as he is also going to be father very soon. However they all got very happy but nature may want something else.

One day his wife started to feel in his belly when they shifted her into hospital she had lost her child. After the hearing the news of his son, father was fallen down badly. After some days, all people again started to live happily. One day her mother comes to her and asked her to go to one saint. Firstly she denied but after insisting too much she agreed to go to saint.

That weak saint asked her to slay her sister in law son if she wants children. She did in the same way. Police came in the home and arrested her for investigation. After sometimes she confesses and said it was only done due to weak saint. Police also take action against that weak saint to stop this evil anymore.